The Lost Film

  • Story line
    A copy of our first feature film disappeared in Yemen, on the day of the tenth anniversary of the reunification of North and South. A year later we are there, following the track of the lost film. An enquiry that takes us from Sanaá to Aden, a personal quest centering on the image and on our status as filmmakers in this part of the world…
  • Production


    Idéale Audience


    Abbout Productions

    Produced by

    Francoise Gazio and Pierre Olivier Bardet

    Distributor and world seller

    Idéale Audience Internationale, Susanna Scott

    Production assistants

    Camila Guzmân and Cécile Clocheret

    Editing and post-production

    Unimage Studio hors son The postoffice Auditorium de l’iesav
    This documentary has been realised with the support of the Jan Vrijman Fund.
  • Cast and crew
    Original TitleEl film el mafkoud
    English titleThe lost film French
    TitleLe film perdu
    Directed byJoana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige
    Production date2003
    Beta digital
    Original formatvideo DV
    Language for dialoguesArabic
    Language of the voice overArabic or French
    SubtitleFrench or English
    Image and SoundJoana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige
    EditingTina Baz Legal
    Sound editingRana Eid
    Recording and sound mixingJean Gibran
    Additional soundEmmanuel Zouki
    Voice overFadi Abi Samra and Maha Haddad
    Color correction and subtitlesElias Chahine
    CreditKarl Bassil – mind the gap
  • Directors Note
  • Other Video Works